Most images on this site are copyright Stampin’ Up! ©1990-2012 unless otherwise stated.
Cards and other items on this site are copyright
Kymberli Zwahlen 2011-2012 unless otherwise credited.
All cards and other items on this website are for your inspiration
and personal use only, not for submission to magazines or competitions.
If you are inspired to CASE any of my personal designs or projects,
please feel free to do so, but do not post the pictures of my work
on your own blog or website without my permission.
Instead just link back to my site so that your visitors can see my work in its original form.
“All content is the sole responsibility of
Kymberli Zwahlen, Independent Stampin’ Up!© Demonstrator
and the use of, and content of the classes, services,
or products offered on this website are not endorsed by Stampin’ Up!© ”
Thank You and I hope my Blog will inspire you to Create
I am so grateful to you for stopping by!